Live in FLorida? Points to Consider when Divorcing
Grounds for Divorce
No Fault State
- It takes two willing and able Florida resident ( man and a woman) to sign a marriage contract but only one to challenge its duration. In Florida, we have no-fault divorce. The standard for granting the divorce is that the marriage is irretrievably broken. It is not necessary for a party to prove the other party is guilty of fault. Divorce is referred to as Dissolution of Marriage.
Initiating the Process of Divorce
Talk to your attorney
- You should discuss with your Family Law Attorney if you wish to file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. The petition will initiate the divorce proceedings. Alternatively, your attorney can write a letter to your spouse or your spouse's attorney indicating your position regarding filing a Petition or negotiating a settlement agreement. In the event you proceed to file a Petition, it is necessary for a sheriff or process server to serve the papers on your spouse, who then has 20 days to respond. At the Law offices of Dulce B. Fazel P. A., we also believe you should discuss with your attorney various types of temporary relief while your divorce petition in pending.
- Shared Parenting Options
- Temporary Time Sharing
- Temporary Child Support
- Temporary Alimony
- Injunction Against Domestic Violence
- Freezing or Frozen Assets
- Temporary Litigation Fees and Expenses
- Temporary Restraining Order Regarding Removal of Minor Children